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TUHRN Policy Solutions:

The Social Enterprise of TUHRN

TUHRN Policy Solutions is a social enterprise that offers a confidential and contractual strategic consultation and advisory service with a focus on implementation and evaluation in order to assist individuals, corporations, and organizations with the policy process unique to their operational circumstances.

Background Summary

In 2023, a decision was made to restructure the non-profit corporation The Unite Humanity Research Network (TUHRN). As a result of the restructuring of TUHRN, the Research Network and the Policy Network of TUHRN were separated into two individual corporate entities. From here, on May 3, 2023, TUHRN Policy Solutions was designed and built as a social enterprise and incorporated into a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC).

At TUHRN Policy Solutions, we take our research and policy experience to our clients and partners in order to advise and assist them with developing, implementing, and evaluating their respective organizational, operational, or strategic policies.

Why Policy Solutions?

The word "policy" is commonly used in relation to governments and -- broadly speaking -- the public sector. However, corporations and organizations within the private sector (and especially the non-profit sector) often find themselves within a policy process unique to their organization's operational circumstances, while failing to realize that they are conducting a policy process unique to their own operational endeavours. The reason for this apparent misunderstanding of the relationship between the policy process and non-government corporations and organizations in particular, is due to the recognition that contemporary academic schools typically analyze the word policy within a public sector context. Fortunately, TUHRN Policy Solutions is here to shed some light on the mystery of policy solutions in the peculiar contextual scenarios of non-governmental corporations and organizations, and in doing so, offer our unique strategic policy skillset to our clients and partners.

To learn more about how TUHRN Policy Solutions approaches the concept of policy, please see the "read more" accordian box below, while keeping in mind that the items discussed are theoretical approaches and the exact models of policy content and the policy process may differ according to the preferences of a specific school of public policy.

Policy Content Summary

A policy can be understood as a systematic response to a problem that exists within an organizational, operational, or strategic context.

A policy's content generally consists of three parts: problem definition; goals or objectives; and instruments or tools. Further explanation of a policy's content is as follows:

    Problem Definition

  • Summarily, a policy is a response to a problem and therefore arguably the most significant aspect of a policy's content is how it defines the relevant problem in question. It is important to recognize the vital significance of problem definition considering that how a policy's problem has been defined, will inevitably determine the effectiveness of the entire policy's process. Here, one may think of the concept of climate change or global warming as a problem that has varying interpretations and therefore often leaders conflicting policy responses that vary in effectiveness.
  • Goals or Objectives

  • While goals and objectives might appear to be the most important aspect of a policy's content, one will observe that a problem's definition will determine how one perceives their goals and objectives. In other words, goals are objectives are directly related to a policy's definition of a problem. Subsequently, one's goals and objectives -- as the intended solution or response to the defined problem -- will be influenced by the problem's initial definition. In keeping with the climate change or global warming example, one observes that the objectives or goals in relation to the problem are entirely dependent on how one originally defined the problem.
  • Instruments or Tools

  • The words instruments or tools are often discussed within the context of policy in terms of how the policy will respond to a defined problem. It is beneficial to think of policy instruments or tools as means of influencing or changing the behaviour of those affected by the problem in order to meet the desired goals or objectives; or, to affect the circumstances of the problem's environment to -- once again -- meet the intended goals or objectives. Continuing with the climate change or global warming example: carbon credits; penalties or reimbursements for recycling waste; consumer product incentives (such as electric vehicle rebates), are each examples of policy instruments or tools that intend to influence individuals and/or affect the circumstances of the defined problem's environment or system.

A Summary Explanation of the Policy Process

In addition to the policy content model, there is an additional model that is commonly referred to in the academic literature as the policy process. The policy process is often described as a fluid, cyclical modelthat consists of a number of steps that are summarily concerned with the execution of a policy. Given that the concept of the policy process is a theoretical, albeit cyclical model, there is no set agreed upon number of steps or phases to the model. Nevertheless, below are the five (5) steps that one will generally find discussed within the various theoretical approaches to the policy process model, although not worded identically.

    Issue Identification

  • Issue identification is another way of communicating problem definition and generally consists of the policy content's problem definition. However, given the fluid and cyclical nature of the policy process, an issue might be reidentified -- and therefore redefined -- during the evaluation phase of the policy process.
  • Environmental or Systematic Research

  • Essential to any policy process is in depth reserach that analyzes all of the related environmental or systematic factors affecting the issue or problem that a policy seeks to resolve. Keeping in mind the fluid and cyclical nature of the policy process, one may observe that their identification of a policy's issue might change as a result of new items discovered and analyzed as a result of their research into the relevant environment or system affecting the policy's issue.
  • Proposal / Strategic Solution

  • The proposal phase of the policy process conists of a strategic response to the policy's problem. In other words, the proposal is how the policy intends to respond to the identified issue or defined problem.
  • Implementation

  • Following the identification of the issue, environmental and systematic research, and the strategic proposal, it is necessray to take the policy into action by attempting to directly respond to the identified issue and defined problem. Here is the implementation phase of the policy process and it consists of executing the policy in order to alleviate or altogether solve the identified issue and defined problem.
  • Evaluation

  • The moment a policy has been implemented does not mean the policy process is finished. As noted above, the policy process is fluid and cyclical, therefore it will be necessary to revisit the policy during the implementation phase considering circumstances indeed change with time and as a consequence, policies will need to be reivsed or updated in order to effectively respond to changes within the environment or system relevant to the policy.

Once again it is essential to emphasize that the the policy process is fluid cyclical, which means that each of the above five (5) steps might be required or revisited a number of times, especially as a result of a policy's evaluation -- which one may argue is one of the most overlooked and underappreciated aspects of the policy process; or a policy in general.


As a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC) that functions as a social enterprise, TUHRN Policy Solutions provides a confidential and contractual consultation service to help individuals, corporations, and organizations achieve their intended objectives thereby meeting relevant milestones while offering assistance with the implementation and evaluation of the policy process relevant to given corporation or organization's operations.

Customized Services

In other words, TUHRN Policy Solutions does not solely provide strategic and policy solutions, we also offer customized imlpementation and evaluation services that are unique to an organization's operations.

Thus, if your corporation or organization is currently experiencing difficulty with the implementation of a particular strategy, perhaps you are interested in conducting a thorough evaluation or an already established operational policy process, TUHRN Policy Solutions is available to help you!

Further information on our confidential and contractual consultations is available below, along with more details on our implementation and evaluation service.

Confidential and Contractual Consultations

At TUHRN Policy Solutions, our consultation work does not begin unitl a mutually benefical contractual arrangement can be agreed upon. Of course, introductory sessions are often arranged prior to any contract discussion in order to develop a professionally qualified relationship. From here, once we have agreed upon a mutually benefical contractual relationship, we ensure that while the work we produce under the relevant contract remains confidential, so too do to the trade secrets of the respective contractual party.

Implementation and Evaluation Service

As noted in the above discussion on the policy process, arguably two of the most significant phases of a policy include the implemention and the evaluation. Therefore, at TUHRN Policy Solutions, while we provide our clients strategic policy solutions, we also offer our clients and partners the option to have us personally assist with the implementation and evaluations of a corporation's or organization's operational policies. Of course, we can also provide an evaluation as a separate item altogether, considering no policy solution or startegic plan is finite and free from future challenges resulting from unforeseen circumstances.

The Social Enterprise Mission

The Mission of TUHRN Policy Solutions Inc. is to function as a social enterprise that provides a reasonably affordable strategic consultation service in order to help individuals, corporations, and organizations achieve their intended objectives and meet relevant milestones while encouraging policies that foster social inclusion, health and wellness, science and education, environmental sustainability and accessibility.

Additionally, TUHRN Policy Solutions Inc. commits to designating a reasonable portion of its annual revenue to support the day-to-day operations as well as the research work conducted at the non-profit corporation The Unite Humanity Research Network (TUHRN).

The Creator and Founder of TUHRN Policy Solutions

TUHRN Policy Solutions Inc. was incorporated by on May 3, 2023, by Matthew Cwihun, who not only works as a Director and Researcher at the non-profit corporation The Unite Humanity Research Network (TUHRN), but TUHRN was also initially incorporated by Matthew in July of 2016, too!

With a Bachelor's of Arts Degree in Public Administration from Toronto, Canada, and a Master's of Public Administration from Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia (of which he graduated with a ~93% average) Matthew has acquired the necessary knowledge required of anyone who seeks to assist others with strategic planning and policy analysis work. Yet Matthew's qualifications are not limited to the academic world considering he has plenty of years of small business enterprise (SME) management in addition to years of operating as a strategic consultant prior to TUHRN Policy Solutions.

To learn more about the Creator and Founder of TUHRN Policy Solutions, you are welcome to connect with Matthew via one of the options below:


You can connect with Matthew Cwihun on LinkedIn at:

Portfolio and Resume

You can view Matthew's personal Resume and Portfolio website at:

Background of TUHRN Policy Solutions Inc.

The relationship between TUHRN Policy Solutions Inc. and The Unite Humanity Research Network (TUHRN)

Since its initial incorporation in July 2016, and according to its Articles of Incorporation, the non-profit corporation The Unite Humanity Research Network (TUHRN) was originally incorporated with the mandate to consist of both a “Research Network” and a “Policy Network”. However, throughout the years the members of TUHRN realized that it is both prudent and worthwhile to focus solely on research and relevant publications and in doing so, separate the policy work into a related entity. From here, TUHRN Policy Solutions Inc. emerged as the solution to this operational dilemma confronting the non-profit corporation TUHRN: while the non-profit corporation continued with the research work, a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC) functioning as a social enterprise would take on the policy work, thereby assisting with the over-all Mission of TUHRN as two separate but related entities.

The Social Enterprise Mission of TUHRN Policy Solutions Inc.

While TUHRN Policy Solutions Inc. has been incorporated as a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC) that operates separate from the non-profit corporation The Unite Humanity Research Network (TUHRN), the Mission of TUHRN Policy Solutions is to function as a social enterprise that offers its strategic policy consultation and advisory service in accordance with the mission and mandate of the non-profit corporation, TUHRN.

Most importantly –- and in keeping with the mission and mandate of The Unite Humanity Research Network (TUHRN) –- since TUHRN Policy Solutions Inc. functions as a social enterprise, its fees will therefore be priced within an affordable and reasonable manner and a percentage of the excess revenue generated from the work of TUHRN Policy Solutions Inc. will be allotted with the non-profit corporatoin TURHN.

Contact TUHRN Policy Solutions

TUHRN Policy Solutions is located in the Greater Toronto Area of Ontario, Canada, yet can services clients in arguably any location, albeit within reasonable circumstances. If you want to contact us, please use one of the methods below:

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You are welcome to e-mail us directly via the e-mail address below.
(Remember to replace the "[at]" with " @ " and the "[dot]" with a " . ").

  • E-mail:  info[at]TUHRN[dot]com.

Inquiry Form

Additionally, if you are interested in working with us or you want us to respond to an inquiry of yours, please feel welcome to complete the Google Form below:

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